Vicon resolves healthcare security challenge
IP video technology provides hospitals with added flexibility in their video surveillance installations, while offering benefits such as remote video monitoring and more effective storage capabilities. The Valerus solution is browser-based, so there was no need to install client software on any computers. Instead, MHP has the flexibility to use web-enabled devices of their choice, including desktops, laptops, tablets and phones. From an operational standpoint, this provides freedom to monitor the system remotely and eliminates any future concerns about purchasing dedicated hardware to provide monitoring support.
As the one responsible for commissioning the system, Tim Davis, OCS’s Lead Installer on the project, was also appreciative of the single site-wide licensing key. In addition, Vicon’s 30-day grace period allowed Tim’s team to make sure everything was in place, all cameras were doing their jobs and all NVRs were recording as desired, before focusing on the business of licensing.
In addition, smaller local monitoring stations are set up in the ICU, emergency room and pharmacy. Valerus’ administrator tools made it easy to set different permissions and access levels for operators based upon their responsibilities and need to view certain areas of the hospital.
Once all equipment was in place, OCS worked with MHP’s Project Coordinator, Abby Lauck, to set up profiles for each administrator and operator. Together, they configured the Valerus interface to display a customized set of menus and resources for each user to help them do their job most effectively.
Jeff Williams, of MHP, had described how clunky software tools made it hard for the security staff to do its job. Tim showed MHP how easy it is to use Valerus’ powerful search engines and members of the hospital team felt fully confident using them after just a short demonstration.
"Since we’ve installed the system, TSA violations through unsecured doors have gone to zero. Our use of video analytics for back flow prevention is really an incredible use of technology.”
- Mike Supkis, Police and Fire Chief
"Vicon gives us peace of mind that Teddy Roosevelt’s treasures will be protected and preserved for future generations.”
- Susan Sarna, Museum Curator and Director of Security
"The networkability of the Vicon system has put us in total control of what we want to do.”
- Steven Cox, Head of Security
"Dow Jones was impressed with the product and the quality, but the key for them was Vicon’s history of international support. No one else could match it.”
- Jim Tapp, Vice President of Sales and Marketing
"Among the 15 different IP camera models, our committee felt the IQeye was the best camera for the cost, but it also had the best image quality overall.”
- Frank Dale, Manager of Electronic Security
“Valerus licensing was less expensive than all the other VMS systems we looked at, and it does everything the hospital needed,” says OCS’s Senior Estimator Jeff Birchler. “We really like Vicon’s licensing structure; there is no subscription or monthly fee to contact them,” adds Abby Lauck. The hospital opted to purchase Vicon’s Upgrade Protection Plan, which provides them with all new features as they are rolled out.
The Valerus network will be expanded to two additional buildings by the end of 2017. Based upon the initial installation experience, both OCS and MHP feel confident that as the project’s size and complexity continues to grow, Vicon’s Valerus solution will still offer a simple, scalable and cost-effective approach that is up to the task.
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